Friday, September 30, 2005

MIS and Work

So... yesterday we talked about databases of the personal and PC variety. Well, I work for an independent financial consultant. He's in the market for new clients, so we're using a (purchased) Client-Relationship Management Database to handle our (read: my boss's) marketing program. The database program keeps track of the name, address, phone number, &tc. of each of the prospects my boss has decided to go for. The program lets us generate letters to prospects that fit a given set of qualifications based on the data we (read: I) input into the system. So, we're essentially using a database to generate paper spam in the hopes that it will pull people to the "firm".

I feel like CitiBank now... yuck.

_________Shameless Plug___________
FYI, if anyone's in the market for a financial advisor, the initial consultation is free. And you'll get a whole bunch of interesting spam articles for your financial improvement. Or something. Just contact:

Anders & Jackson Consulting Group
Steve Jackson
(256) 382-5299


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