Tuesday, September 20, 2005

The Wiki Lab

The Wiki lab... was not as fun as the blog lab (which, as you can see, I'm doing right now). Wiki was a real let-down.

The prof says: "It's just like html." Only... not. It's nothing like html. Html is way harder.

---We're being told to "get out of the lab," so I'll finish updating later---

Edit (18:20 ish)

Well, at least I got the nifty icon that I wanted to put on this blog put on my wiki.

Anyway, lab was kinda fun, relatively speaking. I got it done pretty fast, which was good because some of the people near me were having problems getting theirs to work. I helped them with their code, getting pics to post, logging in... which most the class had problems doing. Kinda freaky how half the class was having problems with their passwords; I didn't, but I did the lazy thing and copy-pasted mine from the email. ^.^;

I'm not sure why this wiki thing is important. I think actual html would be more useful than this pseudo stuff wiki uses. Oh well.


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